Book Chapters

William Walters (2012) ‘Mapping Schengenland: Denaturalizing the Border’ in S. Elden (ed.) Environment and Planning, Volume D: Society & Space, Los Angeles/London: Sage Library of Urban and Regional Research, 417 – 441. [Link to Original Article] [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2011) ‘Foucault and Frontiers: Notes on the Birth of the Humanitarian Border’ in U. Bröckling, S. Krassman and T. Lemke (eds) Governmentality: Current Issues and Future Challenges, London: Routledge, 138-164. [Link to PDF] [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2011) ‘Rezoning the Global: Technological Zones, Technological Work, and the (Un-)Making of Biometric Borders’, in V. Squire (ed.) The Contested Politics of Mobility: Borderzones and Irregularity, London: Routledge. [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2010) ‘Imagined Migration World: The EU and the Discourse of Anti-Illegal Immigration’ in M. Geiger and A. Pecoud (eds) The Politics of International Migration Management, Houndmills, Palgrave, 73-95. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2010) ‘Migration and Security’, in J. Peter Burgess (ed.) The Handbook of New Security Studies, London: Routledge, 217-228. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2010) ‘Deportation, Expulsion, and the International Police of Aliens’, in N. de Genova and N. Peutz (eds), The Deportation Regime: Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement, Durham (NC): Duke University Press, 69-100. [Link to Book Publisher] [Link to Original]

William Walters (2010). ‘Anti-Political Economy: Cartographies of “Illegal Immigration” and the Displacement of the Economy’, in J. Best and M. Paterson (eds) Cultural Political Economy, London: Routledge, 113-138. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2009) ‘Europe’s Borders’, in C. Rumford (ed.) Sage Handbook of European Studies, London: Sage, 485-505. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2008) ‘Anti-Illegal Immigration Policy: The EU Case’ in C. Gabriel and H. Pellerin (eds) Governing International Labour Migration, London: Routledge, 43-59. [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2004) ‘The Political Rationality of European Integration’ in W. Larner and W. Walters (eds) Global Governmentality, London: Routledge, 155-73. [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2008) ‘Putting the Migration-Security Complex in its Place’, in L. Amoore and M. de Goede (eds) Risk and the War on Terror, London: Routledge, 158-177. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2008) ‘Acts of Demonstration: Mapping the Territory of (Non-)Citizenship’, in E. Isin and G. Neilson (eds) Acts of Citizenship, London: Zed Books, 182-207. [Link to PDF]  [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2006) ‘”The End of the Passing Past”: Towards a Polytemporal Policy Studies’, in G. Marston and C. McDonald (eds), Reframing Social Policy: A Governmental Approach, London: Edward Elgar, 167-186. [Link to PDF]

Wendy Larner and William Walters (2004) ‘Introduction: Global Governmentality’ in W. Larner and W. Walters (eds) Global Governmentality, London: Routledge, 1-20. [Link to Book Publisher]

William Walters (2001) ‘Governing Unemployment’ in G. Pavlich and G. Wickham (eds) Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest, Oxford: Hart, 61-75.

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